Thursday, July 22, 2010


There are many factors that cause prices to rise. Apart from the known factors such as greed on the part of manufacturers, middle men, retailers, labourers (both industrial and agricultural) scarcity of goods or the components go into them and so on,there is one important factor that does not seem to have received adequate publicity. This is the factor of resistance to increase in prices.

Now, let us see what happens when prices increase. There is naturally a clamour against it. Nobody likes to pay more for the same quantity and quality of goods or to get lesser quantity and/or inferior quality of goods for the same amount as paid hitherto. Everyone feels that something should be done about it.

This "something" can take two alternative or simulltaneous routes. One is to make the government to control prices by legislation and implementation thereof. The other is the root of consumer resistance.

In the first case the legislature which consists of elected representatives who are supposed to voice the feelings of their electorates, passes certain legislations. This process costs some money, not much though. Then comes the implemention. The government has necessarily to recruit certain number of people and setup and maintain a price control administration right down to the level of a municipal war or to the level of a village. This costs money.

The traders have to keep their books in a certain way. This costs money. The comman man has to have ration cards or permits. Getting this and maintaining them also costs money. All this expenditure has to be born directly or indirectly by the consumer.

Long after the original reason for the price increase has disappeared, the price control administration continues to rule the roost. A number of vested intersts that have sprung up and the fears of the public see to it. I am ignoring the cost of corruption that would not have existed in the absence of controls but as a factor in perpetuating controls, it cannot be ignored.

The opposition parties mount a protest by way of rallies, strikes and bandhs. This results in loss of production, reduction in GDP and further increase in prices.

Thus, we see that people keep on paying more in a controlled and labourious way for their uncontrol fears or lack of understanding of the real causes of increase in prices.

In the next alternative, the one of consumer resistance , firstly it peters out after a time as no sustained effort is possible. Apaart from this, if people resist a price increase, tha additional cost to the trader on account of countering this resistane makes him either to take to some other trade or further jack up the prices at the first available opportunity. The trader too has his own fears! Even organising a consumer resistance movement and sustaining it, costs money.

We have thus seen any resistance to increase in prices only tends to further increase in prices. We have been resisting price increase ever since the second world war and look at the situation that it has led us to.

The law of price rise can, therefore, be stated as follows:

Price increases are directly propoortional to the amount of resistance offered to them and perpetuate long after the original real cost that led to them has disappeared.

What is then the remedy?

The remedy is very simple and apparently satirical, though realistic. It is this:

A. When a price increasse takes place, grumble (if you must) but do nothing, absolutely nothing about it.

B. If possible, prevent others from doing anything about it.

C. On no account allow those in authority i.e. the political class consisting of the ruling and the opposition parties and the bureaucratic class to know of the increse in prices. They have, you see, a notable weakness of doing "something" about it. The kind that "Denis the menace" does to "help" his mother. We all adore people in authority just as we adore Denis but that does not make Denis's help any more acceptable to his mother except as a means of occasionally relieving boredom.

D. One more thing. Kindly forget that you read this. As it is, T have already pushed up prices by the cost incurred in writing about them!

E. Believe the economists. Work harder, produce more (except babies), consume less, improve productivity and all that rot that we do not like to do.

If the above remedy is not acceptable and you would insted like to have a big holiday, then go on having a series of bandhs, bring about a collapse of the economy, allow coming up of an authoritarian or a fundamentalist Marxist government that forcibly makes you follow the E. part of the above remedy in a violent way. Follow the E. part voluntarily or compulsorily. The choice is yours!


  1. The main reasons that the price rise due to the law of demand and supplyis outdated and is old and antiquated.
    Main reasons now a days are cartel formation by main manufacturers. These cartels operate through ruling clique.
    It can be seen throughout our history that the maximum price rise takes place at the times of maximum political stability because then the clique is at its most confident.
    So this takes place mostly during first two-three years of stable government is voted and they remain stable or fall in last two years or when the ruling party is under strain.
    Price rise has nothing to do with demand and supply except at the most primitive and superficial level.
    How does one explain price rise in Sugar at the time of bumper crop or food grain when even godowns are not available for storing the grain and are rotting. Obviously pay offs to bosses are due
    The latest price rise in petrol is supposed to be due to high international crude prices. Well even at price of 100 $/barrel the petrol can be sold at less than 16 Rs/liter. Rest of 38 rs is government taxes and afterall Oil companies are Government controlled ones. So Govt raises taxes, so its other arm loses money so government again raises prices to compensate them. The writer should explain what street protests were responsible for this rise?

    So stopping protests and Bandhs etc, as recommended in this blog is not going to bring down the prices

  2. Reply to Anupam
    Society is bigger than the govt. Leave it to the bigger entity to control prices. Its governmental arm has tried to do it from the British days onward. Every time the prices have further increased.Mother nature is the biggest free enterprise system and it works even if cyclically. As against this all man-made systems fail sooner or later. Let us have more faith in nature and follow it. Even if late, the masses can overcome what the govt. is patently incapable of doing.

  3. I shall be noncommital, Pappa. Lovely to see you arguing away with your usual fire
