It appears that our hatred of music was not properly understood by the lesser folk. We decided therefore to take another form or PUNARJANMA as the kafirs call it. During our sojourn in this form, we studied the earthly music and all its aspects. For this purpose, we had to come down from our lofty position. Inspite of all the trials and tribulations that it involved, we went through this process. You see, as the Emperor, we felt it to be our duty to understand in entirety, all the lesser folk ruled by us.
It appears that the music lovers owe their origin to snakes who are charmed by earthly music i.e. the vibrations of the earth's atmospheric air. this is a very primary stage in the development of a human being such as ourselves. we remember now that in our childish stage, we too did once upon a time appreciate music.
In our subsequent forms, we were transformed into various inanimate objects. You kafirs neither live fully nor die fully. a stage came when all the moving creatures on this planet died. As the most dead of all the moving creatures who had also lived the most, we then heard celestial music created by the movement of meteors, quasars, planets and the dance of their satellites. The various rays emitted by the planets and other universal objects which are now identified as cosmic rays, X-Rays, lasers, masers,radio and television waves also had their own music which was however inferior to the celestial music that we described earlier. It was, however infinitely superior to that cacophony that you kafirs call " Bhairavi ". " Bhairav of the kafirs' conception is a creature connected with the cremation ground. Do you see my point ?
When we asked you to bury music in that historic anecdote, we had only taken the first step towards introducing you to some higher things. Since then, we have introduced some of our subjects like Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong and others to some of the visual aspects of heaven by the primitive device of a spaceship. Slowly, as more and more people qualify, we shall teach them to fly out by themselves to other planets in the form of meteors. They would then come in contact with other beings much more intelligent and capable than themselves. We shall also introduce them to celestial music, dance and other cultural forms. we would however appreciate that some of the backward people amongst you would continue to listen to your earthly music. We would not mind it anymore since we have ourselves now acquired the ability to switch off our senses including that of hearing to what we do not like.
I wish you well on the occasion of your independence day. Remember, my dear people, that the real independence is one of the mind. try and acheve it. May Allah, the merciful grant you that !
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